Hitch Health IT, not your traditional healthcare IT firm.
Hitch Health IT was formed by leaders with deep experience modernizing EHR program models. We have seen firsthand how EHR programs can become all-consuming to IT departments, preventing them from engaging in the myriad of other technology needs of their organizations. As long-time consumers of traditional consulting and staffing services in this area, the lack of differentiation amongst firms and slow pace of innovation motivated us to provide an alternative. The costly and ineffective approaches being perpetuated are not moving the needle.
The days of throwing endless streams of money at this problem are over. There is a better way and a meaningful role for credible vendors in contemporary EHR models. It became abundantly clear to us, however, that traditional vendors lack a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by healthcare IT leaders, which explains the lack of innovation. They recognize the struggle and simply want to apply their existing, expensive, dated, service offerings cloned from their previous employer; the proverbial hammer treating every problem as a nail.
Our founding objective is to establish a firm whose sole focus and core competency is centered around concepts of improved EHR program management. As long-time consumers of traditional healthcare IT consulting services we recognize key reasons firms are failing to offer effective solutions in this area. The first is that the firms are led and staffed by people who have never been employed within a healthcare organization. They provide services to healthcare organizations as software vendors, consultants, or salespersons but lack the perspective of complexity and interdependencies only gained from long-term direct employment and holding accountabilities from within.
Another typical consulting firm flaw is the many different service offerings that evolved haphazardly from the EHR implementation bubble. The lucrative high-margin nature of their services, combined with a lack of vision for long-term, effective program models created little incentive to build something new that appropriately rebalances the value equation. Innovation consists of simply relabeling their existing service offerings. Staff augmentation became “Managed Services”, for example, without a consistent or logical definition. This erodes the perceived value of an otherwise promising service category in an attempt to repackage high-cost, low-value resources inappropriately attached to a new industry buzz word.
The third notable shortcoming of traditional consulting firms is a combination of their opportunistic value proposition, and short-sighted business models sold to unwitting investors. As the implementation bubble rapidly deflates, consulting firms and their investors are challenged with the long-term viability of their business models, unrealistic revenue targets, and exorbitant profit margins. Boxed in by their commoditized, limited core competencies (recruiting, logistics, and sales), lack of foresight, and lack of insight into the true needs of healthcare providers, many are struggling to survive. The traditional firms looking to survive applying old services in new conditions will need to convince both investors and customers that simply re-labeling their services is an effective strategy.
This backdrop serves as our inspiration and genesis. Hitch Health IT, by design, is unencumbered by this common but unfortunate evolutionary pathway. We are entirely focused on forward thinking services and solutions aligned with our clients’ interests and delivering indisputable, quantifiable value.

Far more than a mantra and a promise to our clients, doing more is an intrinsic aspect of our culture, is our passion, and our core principle. This core principle is the foundation of every service we offer and guides our talent selection and professional development programs.
Of course doing measurably more is easier said than done and the organizational value cannot be overstated due to the compounding effects. Doing more does not begin nor end within an IT silo. Hitch Health IT appreciates the integral role that IT plays in the healthcare operational continuum and the compounding benefits that are often realized from well designed and implemented solutions. The beneficial impacts are nothing short of contagious.
Perpetual EHR support, maintenance, strategic initiatives, & enhancements.Powering Operations
Doing more means more enhancements that enables operations to do more.
Direct patient care, clinical support, access, revenue cycle, & research.Community Health
Doing more means increased access to care and a healthier community.
Community services, economic development, cultural development, & innovation.Social Empowerment
Healthy and productive community members strengthen our societies.
Hitch Health IT takes a holistic approach to improving EHR program success in the form of increased output, improved quality, and reduced cost. Our depth and breadth of experience has enabled us to not only identify program deficiencies, but trace them back to root causes. The original services and perspectives we bring to the table are based on an acute understanding of the required program outputs and underlying flaws in traditional program design.
Each aspect of a high-functioning EHR program model should be understood in the context of the whole. We know when to zoom out and when to zoom in relative to timelines, process flow, and cross-team dependencies. At Hitch Health IT, our solutions are designed around a fundamental understanding of your needs.